Monday, January 7, 2013

C9 Announces The Awakening Expansion

    WEBZEN has announced the second expansion of Continent of the Ninth Seal 'The Awakening'. On December 27th, the new continent 'Sarad - The Blooming Desert' will be unveiled. Players will face the challenge in the blooming desert against 'Molleck - the King of Necros' to break the seal of 'Bradiel - the Fire God'. Also, the character's level cap will be increased from 57 to 63. Furthermore, new contents of 'Skill Book' system will be updated to enhance players' characters further.(1)

Additionally, highly anticipated Witch blade's 3rd advanced class 'Blade dancer - The Blossom of The Desert Flower' will be released. She uses deadly dual blade to make the splendid swiftest attack moves and gracefully glides around the enemies.

Meanwhile, to celebrate the new expansion 'The Awakening', C9 will be hosting various events for players. For the returning players, 5th Continent's exclusive unique items 'Black Santa Gear' and 'Action Skill Book' will be rewarded. The active players will be given the newly updated Legend as well. Moreover, new C9 players who play Blade dancer will be rewarded with unique items.

Find out more on the Continent of the Ninth Seal site.

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