Saturday, October 27, 2012

Diablo 3 1.05 currently known BUG list


The achievements Bashanishu, may not be able to use normal attack (not skill) hit Bashiok.

Demon Hunter achievement "Bleed You Filth!" In the fulfillment of the conditions for the first time can not be completed.

Demon Hunter Achievement "Death Trap" is the first to reach the condition can not be completed.

Allies or pets kill monsters the player does not mark of achievement, "Haunted".

"Self Sufficient" When you first kill the leader and fulfillment of the conditions may not be able to get achievements.

Auction House

No information bar dynamic classification filter settings.


Demon Hunter - the fighting pet: the wolf combat pet spider combat pet Shun Cleave attack range can not hit a monster than they.

Witch Doctor - witchcraft: the target can not be deformed damage numbers displayed on the head.

Magician - critical mass: teleport and time can not affect the activation of the the Imperial law by morphological sluggish.


Minimum Maximum damage affixes error in the calculation of weapon damage bonus.

Ruby inlaid into certain types of weapons can not be added to the maximum weapon damage values?


The fourth act - the summit of heaven: multiplayer mode transitions devil: silver spiers climb the summit of heaven ", there will be two Tyrrell.

User Interface

Cause when you try to edit more than 27 keys keys, games and social settings have not changed.

If you change the difficulty of the game and the screen resolution is set to start the "monster Vaillant option will be reset.

The legendary items prompted small map can not always last 5 seconds.

Note: This list does not include all of the 1.0.5 patch bulletin BUG. Set out all of these problems exist for the problem that is certified through the quality assurance department. Therefore, there may be some loopholes in the system does not appear here.

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