Thursday, November 15, 2012

Monk class changes and skills analysis

Blizzard in the sale of "Diablo 3" after the effect of improving commendable. All class have some positive changes, but monks have not reached the level of experience of the other class is so pleasant. This article is my personal analysis of the the purgatory difficulty monks, as well as how not to simply rely on the adjustment damage% to improve some of the infrequently used skills.

What is the monks strong?

The monks the design original intention is that powerful, mass defense skills, strong damage tolerance, fast melee attack, movement speed and go places "moves", can not always use the huge consumption but strong attack skills, at the same time there quick fist kung fu with special effects.

What is the problem of the monks?

Energy source for Monks (essence) is all class limits the maximum. Addition to the main skills (generate / Features), all other class has many skills can be used freely or similar to unlimited use. The monks of all skill use, close to the war generation the skills to produce the internal forces. In addition to the most monks like a less passive skills, monks unlike other class, you can rely on equipment to increase the upper limit of the maximum energy sources. Essence Reply is difficult, and we can not just hit what on the restoration of the refined gas, no passive Reply (other than a passive skill), the monks often find their essence.

If you consume the essence of the skills is more attractive to some is not a problem. However, the monks of the Shingon designed to encourage everyone to keep refresh mantra obtain additional effects to the consumption of refined gas (+24 damage deterrent the curse very strong). Consumption of refined gas because of our defensive skills, we will be very difficult to in fine back strong equipment before extensive use of Admiralty break this attack skills (although controversial but better than the standard breeze evil / dual wielding programs worse). In addition, due to the to back weather tactics and beliefs with an output capacity of the light of such defensive skills, so further reduce the desire of players to use offensive skills.

All these lead to the monks of play is very monotonous. The most powerful monks skills are passive skills; open a mantra, faith like a trick of the light and blazing Wrath the BUFF, open breeze evil, then just hold down the left button of the Thunderclap can This is the essence of the most popular back to fine effect and strong maneuverability generating skills. Even put it another mantra or passive in the late game and there is not much change, many skills still nobody cares, unlike other class has a variety of programs and games.

My suggestion

Blizzard should redesign almost does not affect the monks designed active and passive skills, in order to achieve the expectations of Blizzard and all the monks players of this class, is not simply the number of changes, mechanisms and effects. I will not be bored to each skill the Rune will change, this is just some of the skills and Rune design inspiration.

Key skills

Ponley boxing

This is currently the most popular back fine skills. This Rune is too strong, the efficiency increase is too high, so that there is not much reason to use other generation skills even ponley the boxing other runes. My suggestion is Thunder strike changed to a passive skill, this Rune changed to something else.

Off the air waves

Another strong generation skills, but because of the slow pace of not comparable and ponley boxing. Identification the enemy eye and preemptive Rune is the most commonly used. Since the design of this skill more inclined to a defense of the distance to the skills, I think the quality of life improved method is 5-10% armor bonus per attack, can stack up to three times. Know the enemy eye can slightly reduce the effect, at the same time a little lift other runes. I believe this will make this skill more attractive.

Demon broken

In theory, this is a very good set of skills can reduce the enemy's mobility and injury, and also greater than other skills AoE effect. In fact, it is rarely used. I think the main problem is that this skill is too slow and thus can not get enough of refined gas / strike back. Increase the speed, but do not put ponley boxing this level, so that you can greatly increase the attractiveness of this skill, especially one thousand to Mangle and back tidal bore.


The monks want to maximize damage skills. However, the injury ponley boxing is far more higher along with excellent maneuverability (Thunderclap). Thunderclap is a passive skill, this skill will become a new favorite.

Secondary Skills

cloud dragon wagging tail

I see this skill is very problematic. Despite being a non-stop use skill, just as Admiralty break it. However, Admiralty break (especially less refined gas consumption to 40 Rune condensable gas shock wave) in the better use of refined gas efficiency and injury. cloud dragon before the end of the second effect is repulsed, or vertigo / deceleration, but the monks want enemies near them to hit and trigger the effects of the breeze evil harm. So, this skill is very little used, and the reason is not proper.

I need to fix that cloud dragon wagging tail. This skill should not be included with any effect to repel or change an enemy position. But, cloud dragon wagging tail, kill enemies, the bodies hit the fly out and to cause AoE effect is to hurt the other enemies. Thus, cloud dragon wagging tail will be a more effective group domination skills (and does not require in the breeze evil within), plus really great to see the bodies of the enemy is the feeling of flying out to hit other enemies. Contrary, Admiralty broken should provide the higher monomer injury and the smaller AoE damage.

Storm-range raid

Many monks like this skill, but the refined gas consumption is flawed program in expert mode and dual wielding almost useless. I believe that the essence consumption amendment to the speed and hands slow weapons, skills should be more widely used. Thus, most of the monks to use a one-handed weapon can be the reason to use this skill. This is a very interesting skill everyone to try it!

Admiralty break

Since 1.0.4 after the skills greatly Buff very easy to use, but the use of refined gas is still a problem. This can be corrected by other means.


Dazzling SG

This is a relatively popular skills, without too many changes, especially 1.0.5 control effects changes. However, a small the Rune attractive addition to the light of faith. For example, let the enemy into chaos "Hyun Mang light, as well as reduce the elite harm" Shining Lie Light. " My suggestion is this skill should not consume any refined gas.

Back to the weather tactic

This is the same as the one that does not require too much change popular skills. Rune Of course, those few people with some numerical correction. In particular, I think that the mere endless should not only reply to more of the value of life, should revert to the essence of about 25-50, while Replies energy source for a certain percentage of your allies. Similarly, this skill should not consume any refined gas.

Der Spiegel waterstop

Probably the monks strongest skills. Almost no consumption. In addition, in order to ascend to heaven esoteric cause more competition, why not let the "secular retribution (nobody) to obtain a refined gas Reply effect? ??In Der Spiegel waterstop activate state 10 refined gas per second on the good.

Eight phased array

The the skills design concept is very good, but nobody, because (a) the monks want to be close to the enemy, (b) the AoE effect is too small, (c) the defense effect (Rune) not sufficient to replace other skills. My advice is: (1) the refined gas consumption, (2) increase the AoE range of 25-50%, (3) reduce the environmental damage in the eight-phase array 30-50%. Arcane blessing, Molten, plague, profanity. Such changes, some monks may consider or even give up a mirror sealing consider using eight-phase array, because this skill is useful teammates useful (though not completely immune damage)

Martial art

Instantaneous shadow fight

Will be a good skill to make some changes to the level of quality of life for the sprint effect more reliable. If there is no target, this skill is useless.

Burst palm

This skill is very few people use more than weak, but other skills too attractive. I believe that the need for some changes to burst palm more popular.

Breeze evil

The need to strengthen the few people with runes. Example, "Norikaze Venerable" in reaches 3 layer should also increase dodge ability. Firestorm can perhaps increase after 3 layer critical hit. If the effect of this gain is increased, we would not have invariably use lightning hurricane.


Hurricane turn

This is a very interesting skill, unfortunately, is too useless. First, the radius is completely enough for you to arrest people. The second, who the hell will escape enemies will still be running after you grasping. Third, many enemies can not wait to devotion to you, why you want to take the initiative to grab?

My suggestion is to (1) increase in hurricane turn the initial range to 34 yards, (2) blast earthquake changed to a significant increase in damage (of course that does not reach the extent of the Admiralty broken) (3) to second in the skill effects. Effects when using the hurricane turn, create a breeze evil range about whirlpool. The whirlpool will continue the enemy pull toward the center (but not caused by the effect of the fixed body). In this way, when you put those magic Mubarak magic bat pull over, they will still innocently trying to escape from the vortex rather than look to run away. It is interesting, and very effective!

Heaven and earth elements Wizard

Viability in purgatory too bad, but not practical enough. Elements elves should get more relief for damage. The elemental wizard capacity can be further improved. For example, water spirit deceleration more frequent. The higher fire spirit damage (120/60 rather than 80/40). less refined gas generated by the wind spirit, but can be more frequent trigger.


In my opinion all truth should have a major change. Repeatedly brush mantra addition is very effective (but very boring). This is not fun, but very easy to use. I think that the monks should not have wasted all the essence mantra on.

My suggestion is to 0 consume all the mantra. Each use will be a 10 seconds or refresh "focus" effect. Consume 20 additional refined gas again. In this way, when you first used in combat deter curse not consumed. But if you want every three seconds, you will need to consume 20 essence, then 40, then to 60, then 80 (and so on). These values ??can be changed, but this design allows the first time, players are free to use mantra, but it needs to be cautious to decide whether or not to repeatedly get addition. This will encourage more use of other the refined gas consumption skills without feeling weakened (as many fighting very short duration, so overall consumption is reduced).

Evade mantra

A good defensive mantra can enhance some few people / nobody use Rune. For example, to the fast wind illness shadow can get a higher speed bonus, will not scratch control duration reduced more.

Disciplinary mantra

This mantra is a very easy to use. In my view, the role of the design of this mantra should be changed based on the combat effectiveness of the monsters you encounter, however, deter the curse is excellent melee the single DPS enhancement (which is also in line with the fighting monks). So, in addition to the purely anti-injury dispensable in purgatory difficulty, the monster attack you will be a certain percentage of weapon damage, probably introduced some defensive attributes into the calculation. For example, the monster by 5% of your weapon damage, and upgrade your armor and resistances. The formula can easily, but you should know what I mean, a tank-type monks very hard while decent damage.

Treatment mantra

Another not very good with the mantra, simply because the value is too low. Why not instead proportion? Replies per second to 310 life values ??are no longer fixed, but changed to 200 per second +1% maximum life value Responded? Addition too I know before start of this skill, I think slightly enhanced Click the shield is also possible. For example, give you a fixed value of the shield, but a short time to increase your resistance / armor.

As for runes, infuriating runs perfectly well. Inspiring and Grace should strengthen the blow back effect to 350-400, not 186. Similarly, the body of heaven is worth a try, especially if elevated to the addition of 15-20% physical.

Conviction mantra

Deter curse is the best of this mantra Rune no one. I would like to see other Rune creative enhancements / improvements. For example, newborn curse is very reliable, low strike back, why not instead of life steal effect? ??Low DPS monks will be the treatment of choice mantra, but 2-3% vampire effect, then a lot of high-DPS powerful monks in the Raiders high monster strength will consider choosing this. Droopy curse is not easy to use, and increase the the decelerating effect and the range can enhance practical degree.

Passive skills

Here we can make some changes monks programs and play more interesting. I'm not going to change the harmony between man and nature, because I know everyone on this mixed, is a very controversial skills. Hole candle machine first has to turn over. I think that the defense instead of continuing to weaken passive, better attack passive change better.

Strong will

Good defensive skills, no need to change.

Fleet Footed

Good skills, but can be better than that. Why not let this skill at the same time weaken environmental skills (fire trap, Molten, profane, the plague, Arcane blessing) damage about 25%?

Transcend worldliness and attain holiness

Two refined gas at the same time generate passive a bit strange. +100 Upper limit really so good? Too few passive Reply, how much time can be full of refined gas? I think this skill should be changed to +50 or +75 maximum essence +2 essence reply, resonance hymn needs some changes.


Although many people do not like this skill, but I think it is a powerful skill, especially if you have sufficient means to Reply essence.

Resonance carols

The skills needed to be redone. If you changed the truth when activated, all the refined gas consumption decreased by 15%, while at the same time to restore the effects increased by 15% (direct treatment, regeneration or strike back) would be better?

Hole candle machine first

Guardian of the Road

The hands and arms well, but is not good for a one-handed weapon. I think that the dual wielding monks is with this skill performance is very poor. If given dual wielding monks 25% of the refined gas recovery effect of the change is not better? Perhaps so, every 20 seconds, your next skill will not be any additional consumption will also increase injury. The cooling time can be reduced, such as half a second each crit reduction. This is not a boring pure DPS increase, but they can encourage more regular use of the refined gas consumption skills.

Keen intuition

If the guardian of the road to change, they have changed ... but still very problematic. I tend to add a second effect, for example, after the success of each dodge, you get a damage increased by 15% of the short-term gain effect.

Fixed as a mountain

We have mirror sealing, this skill is very redundant. So let this skill more fun some how? I think we should and transcendent opposite. For example, you battle every loss of 5% of the value of life, you will get a certain essence Reply (2-3).

Gambling tower light

Good skills, especially the recent changes.

Lead the way beacon

Few people use, and the single-player mode is useless. I want to replace this skill Thunderclap the ponley boxing's effects. This passive skill is basically all refined gas generation skills transfer effect (within a certain distance), so you can teleport to the target side. If this is too strong, then teleport can have a cooling time can also be reduced crit or refined gas generation (such as every 25 refined gas is generated to reduce the cooling time of 1 second).


Some people like this skill, but I find it difficult to use. In fact, some class / program or even no skills, so why would you want two? Skills should expand all attack skills. So if you use ponley boxing, you get an increase of 8%. Then breeze evil, then the Admiralty break, and then after you received a total of 32% of the bonus Yunlong wagging tail. This will encourage people to choose more offensive skills and can benefit from.

Dying consciousness

Bench skills, good use expert mode. If you let the other more attractive, cooling time should be reduced or the effect of increasing the value of life / refined gas recovery.


Overall, my suggestions for improvement are independent, but the main points:

Reduce the "must-have" defense skills refined gas consumption, and (to some extent) to avoid brush mantra effects.

The cloud dragon skills such as wagging tail mechanism through improved hurricane turn, encourage players to expand their skills diversity, rather than simply increase the damage.

Thunderclap changed to passive skills and reduce dependence blow ponley boxing and Thunder.

Changes passive skills through creative essence Reply diversification.

Release to allow the consumption of refined gas attack skills with some passive skills/generate more refined gas.

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