Sunday, November 25, 2012

The great tragedy of gems and forging in Diablo 3

The multitude spread the word to describe Diablo 3's gem and forging systems, very, very brutal, I have not the heart to be imposed on the Blizzard who. That sentence says: "abandon the shining brilliance runewords, jewelry, handicrafts, amazing design, re-build is a synthesis of 14 incredibly monotonous dry gem and a joyless forging list It's like abandoned in the hands full box of Diamond Crystal, and then they picked up a no beauty cobblestone stunning. "

Gem synthesis and artisans forging, is a widely criticized by many players and a design that is difficult to understand. Blizzard Diablo 3 design group, whether it is from what consideration, competence baffled all such a strange thing?

If we just want it bad, it will never be impossible to understand why it occurs. The of gem synthesis and artisans forging system has many obvious shortcomings, but it must also comply with the design team in a number of aspects to consider, or can not appear in our view.

In my opinion, gems and artisans to meet at least the following considerations:

1. High synthetic gems funding, funding for craftsmen, the economic system of a steady gold consumption demand;

2. Decomposition of garbage and forging new equipment is essentially a second drop, should you want to provide a method to tide over the difficult period for players with bad luck;

3. up to 14 gems synthesis, as well as the highest drop eight gems to ensure that the players must use synthetic gems function to provide certainty for the cost of Diablo 3 gold;

4. Finally, and most important, this is Joy think seven core features, three new elements of a new element: the artisans elements. And he think the simple artisans ways to meet the easy-to-use features, not require players to a lot of cooperation, will be widely welcomed by the players, and finally a large number of use.

Maybe there are more reasons, if a system is able to meet so many aspects to consider, almost enough to adopted at a meeting. Anyway, want to make it through the time, to find some reason for it is really simple.

The only dissenting voices

In contrast, opponents (including the number of players) able to cite reasons for opposition is the only one that gives the impression of this thing is too monotonous, too boring. But the "feel" of the term is too vague, as the reasons for the objection can not be at the meeting. The sound, no matter how strong are sure will be ignored, with predictable results.

But I think that this "feeling" is ignored, but on the inside are hidden some of the problems relating to the nature of the game design. Now I try to use your own understanding, the description of this so-called "monotonous, dull feeling" appliances like the way out.

What is monotonous? What is boring? What is the deeper stuff hidden in this feeling inside? In my opinion: monotonous, boring, or a similar feeling, on behalf of the idea of "I do not want to do it"; Conversely: it can not cause my desires. There is no desire, will bring the so-called monotonous, dull feeling, desire is the driving force of human behavior, the lack of it, people will find a variety of reasons to refuse to do it. Used to play Diablo 2 when I used to count the number of brush irritable skin 100,000 times do not feel boring ...... brush irritable skin caused my desire.

Gem synthesis and craftsmen is such a thing that people no desire, they look is an infinite repetition of the work, and only have to pay time and effort will have to pay a lot of gold! The worst is totally disproportionate to harvest and pay people how may desire.

Gem Synthesis and artisans can not cause players to use it is the desire of the two is not fully links must not be skipped, so in fact, and can not expect it to consume a large amount of D3 gold.

"Not the desire of players caused" the accused may not like the feeling of monotony "as easily avoided out, next, let us in-depth analysis, why this synthesis and the production system can not cause the player's desire, and sometimes the opposite will caused by the repulsive feelings.

"Production" is a very interesting element, looking to produce their own goods appear in front of the unspeakable joy immediately flooded out, while sweeping the strange group when wearing your own articles, but also for the kind of enchanted to meet impressive. "Production" elements is a fire element has been well received by everyone's attention, Joy thought he raise the status of the "artisans" Diablo 3's seven core features and three new elements a new element.

Diablo 3 "artisans" made to look like? Cast your mind back: the material come from? Decomposition of garbage over the blue; how to make it? Go Heidegger there pay; able to get what? That only Heidegger know, we only know that there will be 99.999% of the results is garbage. That this behavior is the essence of what is it? What is it? As you think about it, if the materials are also considered to be a resource and gold coins, and that the nature of this behavior is to use resources in exchange for 99.999% invalid results. One word to summarize this behavior, that is - gambling.

Comparison Diablo 2 runewords, the runewords never be known as the "production" in the name of the first, but it brings true truly a "production" experience. Runewords, you will immediately be able to be a meaningless gray equipment become extremely artifact in a real sense, it brings new strength for the players, it drop items increased to a new value, it bring fresh blood for the entire game. This is the real "production", the significance of the so-called "production", is miraculous. Diablo 3 turned discarded so talented design them to be in the works to erase the previous generation stigma, leave their traces ideas and practices could have been frenzied.

A long time, "making this element is considered attractive;" gambling "element to be considered attractive, Diablo 3 designers mistaken concept, an essentially Gambling thing as a "production" to design, and ultimately led to unattractive in this system.

Every designer wants to do their own things, which can be a legitimate and understandable, but also designers growth to strong critical. But the desire of the designer of this self-achievement can not effectively be guided, will ultimately create a variety of ideas, various philosophy distorted hybrid products.

Searching for clues in the the invisible game design inside is difficult to express it harm to be explained, if we give a concrete example, should help you understand why management failure, will eventually lead to the product design joke.

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