Tuesday, December 11, 2012

7-8 Q&A: 8.4 and 8.5 versions of satellite

- You can register on Korean server only if you are a citizen of Korea (you need Korean social security), it's because of the Korean law.

- In the (far) future, older ingame models might be remodelled to higher details, not in any near plans tho.

- There were changes in the ramming mechanic: previously, during very high loads on the server, sometimes the ramming damage was calculated by a different process on the server, resulting in weird effects, such as too high ramming damage on occasions, this was fixed .

- Neubaufahrzeug tank might be implemented as a multi-gun tank.

- It's not yet decided, whether the German branch, that will eventually lead to a tier 8 light tank, will continue from VK2801 or not.

- VK4502 (P) Ausf. B tier 9 heavy is performing about as well as the other tanks of the same tier.

- Fallen trees give roughly about as much camo as bushes.

- The fact that when you ram a vehicle and hit its tracks and the damage is reduced is not a bug, tracks are designed to lower the ramming damage.

- No HEAT rounds planned for the 88mm KwK 36.

- It's possible the 88mm might get a buff.

- Sound of turret turning confirmed.

- Apparently, 0.8.2 allowed for better FPS on most of the computers, FPS problems are rare.

???????Q: Tier 10 participation is getting lackluster due to the constant arty parties, does WG ever plan on implementing restrictions of arty per game?

A: We're aware of the issues at tier 10 and have some changes coming shortly after 8.2. I can't really give specifics because there's a major announcement being prepared for it, but I can say it's not another nerf to SPGs themselves.

Q: Is there any chance of a tank like the Puma, the german scout vehicle that was given the Leopard Turret and 5cm gun being considered as a premium vehicle, even though it had 8 wheels but no tracks?

A: It's not planned right now.

Q: Also in which update will the Chinese tree be released?

A: The Chinese tech tree will be released in 8.3. Originally we were going to call the patch 8.2.1 (since it was a part of 8.2 before the delay), but we decided that the Chinese tech tree is worthy of its own update and reclassified it as 8.3.

Q: Any idea on when we might see the AMX-30 and Leopard lines added?

A: 8.3 is the Chinese tech tree. After that we have the British TDs and SPGs, and the German Leopard and TD lines in the immediate pipeline. Not necessarily in that order, but you should see all of them in 2013. We had to remake part of the German TD line after doing additional research.

Q: When will the new German Medium line be released?

A: I can't say for sure at the moment because the Chinese tech tree was pushed to 8.3, so we've reclassified most of the updates following that. Right now 8.5ish, though I wouldn't take that as set in stone .

Q: Any plans as to when secondary guns will be implemented? The B1 and M3 could be very different tanks, and it would open the door to other tanks like the SMK or T-35.

A: The tech behind it turned out a little more complicated than we'd hoped. It's not entirely off the table, but it's not in the immediate pipeline.

Q: Will there ever be an arty cap?

A: I can't give a yes / no to this, sorry. All I can say is keep an eye out on the community portal soon for an announcement regarding SPGs.

Q: Any chance of a larger platoon size?

A: For random battles probably not, since it would diminish the truly "random" aspect of it. In addition, there are a lot of balance concerns the development team.

have with it. The matchmaker tries its best to not include a lot of the same type of vehicle unless that's all that is in the queue. Imagine if we allowed 5-player.

platoons, that you could then bring in 5 T110s, 5 T-62As, etc. into a single battle with ease.

Q: Any chance at ever seeing historical maps introduced?

A: Most of the maps in the game are based on real locations. For example, Highway is based on Kansas (some players have actually found the city in Kansas that it's based around), and Live Oaks is based on Louisiana.

Q: Why do we not have premium vehicles such as the BT-SV, SU-85i and the MTLS-1G14 PZ4 hydro, etc never been released in NA? (SS: applies for EU too)

A: Those vehicles were not really designed to be sold in the game or in the gift shop - they were designed for special box editions, given out at events, etc.

Q: We know the Chinese are coming in 8.3 but can you give any insight into what the 8.4 tanks will be if any and what maps will be reworked for 8.3 and 8.4?

A: Since 8.3 was originally a part of 8.2, there won't be any maps reworked for it. In 8.4 we'll be reworking 4 existing maps. I can't really give details on the tanks in the update right now since things are in flux.

TLDR: 8.3 Chinese, 8.4 Brit TD's + arty, 8.5-ish Germans (med or TD), German TD line was redesigned, a major announcement for arties is coming.

- L?we shells did not change their trajectory.

Q: It would really be nice to have a 4th consumable and equipment slot for your tank maybe unlockable via gold or credits.

A: It's been discussed, though the exact unlocking mechanism hasn't. Ultimately we're pretty happy with the three equipment / consumable slots though. Adding too many removes some of the choice factor in deciding which equipment or consumables you run with on a given tank. We have tossed around some ideas of certain tank purchases starting with equipment (think gift shop purchases, etc.), but not having additional slots.

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