Monday, December 17, 2012

Experiences and suggestion for novices

I play WOT for 23,000 innings, 54 winning rate, 1145 efficiency, pure savage group only one team. Garage:

S: -7, 268, 261, -4, T62 R & D did not buy

D: E100, E100 tank destroyer, GWE, E50M

M: E4, E5, T92, M48, 95

F: 25T, 50B, Foch 155, Chatillon 155

E: Conqueror, premium vehicles: T34, 62

Combat psychological develop

1) believe their own but do not believe his teammates and field team rules of survival, although cruel, but there may be a lot of people feel the same field team will only be you with the sweet, very few with you bitter.

2) The game can be a part of life, but do not account for too much space.

3) If you are not a professional player, do remember that the game is for fun, if you can not get pleasure from the game, on the close hand, if the behavior of others in the game make you angry and even-tempered in relation to take a break.

4) If you like this game, it is worth it to invest a little money slightly.

Combat literacy develop

1) the bigger picture, personal think this is the most important basic elements in the game, basically, each map has three or more line of attack, about five artillery sites, these are uncertain, but one thing is fixed , is that the two sides have 15 people to remove the artillery outside, how many people, how many people did not appear what car must know what, so you will be to their next action relatively accurate judgments assault, or transitions, or stick to be aid.

2) not afraid to die, do not die, the people are generally afraid of death and die died law as ugly. Bigger picture good judgment, say no fear of death is simple advantage resolutely strong to eat, do not die is no advantage when squatting live, defensive disadvantage can be offset to some extent the number of offensive sparring with their own side of the defensive side of the front, and the fire is not easy to expand, artillery factors to consider in determining the advantage whether, if the offensive line is within artillery range of an artillery considered a help defend the case of encountered you keep to the fear of death, to die for a gun with his count End.

3) battlefield positioning, each room is almost always about three levels, each level of the car will have a different battlefield positioning, the 15 cars in the first level is the absolute main, second level support, The three levels are complementary, the fourth level, then you are the eye or poke observation hole.

4) chariot positioning, the same level of different cars have different positioning the standard positioning depends vision, mobility, accuracy of the gun, the body hardness the overall general for MT lighting, Qiangdian, and kill artillery, HT card main tactics fulcrum, promote or defensive, TD output, to wipe out the enemy's effective strength-based, more popular argument for Busy select a second and third tier, each line is based on the distance from the point of stalemate with the battle decided.

9 car positioning, MT, in 54 line, Barton is the second line, E50 is a three-wire, Lorraine is a mixed lines HT E75, M103 line, Conqueror is the second line, the 120 is a mixed lines (-8 did not played not discuss), TD: 95 line 704, tiger hunting is second-tier, Foch is a mixed lines (PS: mixed line is relatively flexible choice of each line)

Variety of positioning is not fixed, such as MT 54 and Barton reconnaissance vehicles, E50 would have on the front line, lighting Qiangdian bounden HT E75 or 103 the Conqueror you have with the other car relatively hard as - 3 and other cards with the line, how to select their own position in a specific battle really hard for me this wild team of casual gamers, still often make mistakes.

5) there is a sense of distance, the second-tier car in about 15 seconds able to open to first-line, can share the damage in a timely manner in the first-line car eating each other strong, three-wire flexible, if you want the black in the end we should select according to camouflage the extent and the grass density distance of 400 m to 150.

6) it is best not to commit suicide, suicide members died, can not get members experience more harm than good, it is not moral. It is said that the next version will fix this bug.

7) route selection based on their own personality, or bold, or calm, or cunning harmonic for your car.

The generic fighting skills develop

1) Remember the weaknesses of each vehicle, in addition to the the top frontal armor of all the cars and the bottom frontal armor will have other weaknesses, the play enough weakness plug.

2) Remember the blood of each vehicle, the shape of the gun, blood in order to judge whether a car is the white, the car did not change turret gun is also very likely not on the accessories usually did not change, so a car with low level of the car is no big difference.

3) Positive hit ammunition rack and loader, side priority to fight the oil tank.

4) understand each vehicle's rate of fire, and this is especially important in the 1-on-1 retractable faster rate of fire can select 1-for-2 on telescopic. Compare their own and each other's loading time, you are going to open fire when try to pull a little distance hit relatively big bottom frontal armor, keep a distance of about 10 meters before and after moving to the other fast fired, moving about two to let the other party Your top bad seconds frontal armor or bottom frontal armor.

6) streets, try reversing telescopic, this is common sense, but do not face hard enough (such as the United Kingdom, France car) and shoulder car (-7) exception, not diagonal 30 degrees the other American car reversing, not crony 30 degrees a side is more than can be worn and easy The DAMAGE, because this angle can focus the plurality of components, each component is a blood volume.

7) a distance of less than 100 sold head is not reliable.

8) do not open the mirror playing than to open a mirror is easy to breakdown.

9) fire within 15 meters of grass will become transparent, so to fight illegal guns do not squatting on the grass, and the grass to keep a distance of about 15 can reduce the chance of being bright, In addition, if you are really obsessed with illegal guns must take the first skills lights school full.

10) with good combat effectiveness, the fighting capacity is very low or fighting screenings few players are more likely to play do not wear you, 300 less than the basic hook.

11) 5% of the members of the skills equivalent to 2% of the members of the ability of their choice on teammates even and ventilation

12) morning from 6:30 to 8 o'clock hang up the peak, can be used to play M

13), there is a very, very important thing is to choose the greatest threat to target priority set fire

14) optimistic about the other side of the muzzle point, turn the turret takes time

15) attack when the turret and the body of the same orientation, or on both sides will be worn

16) 59 most of the time is unreliable

17) If you find yourself checked the Dylan 155 off the crawler, then immediately repaired, or live disabled

18) the wilderness every 2 seconds, moving two body to some extent circumvent artillery.

19) the fact that the body is a good thing, big body is a large piece of stone

20) like the opponent's body and his teammates can block shells

21) alive only output

22) Crit skills gunner paper data only 3%, but the actual effect is very good

23) driving wheel, is the first wheel and a wheel hit basic DOT turn off the crawler, the streets, only to reveal a wheel when the most dangerous time, as may be off to die

24) the streets, through artillery impact points determine the artillery position, point live right painting an extension cord to the point of impact with the bunker edge, online artillery roughly direction, at the same time notify one's own artillery, anti-artillery addiction teammates may help

25) observed the body of the bullet hole location is illegal guns to judge illegal guns direction, try to avoid a second hair

26) in the streets, in the large-caliber TD stole a gun, a lot of people choose the first time to escape, in fact, there is another option, whether also his two guns opposite other outside TD does not pose a threat to you, you can be secure in the fight also two guns and then flash, because of the large diameter TD has more than 15 seconds reload time

27) high-threat target mainly high outbreak of a class, such as bayonets, artillery, France, chickens, large-caliber TD, ready to cross the line of defense to steal guns MT, my eyes artillery outside hatred first Foch 155

28) 59 more than 15 degrees oblique-oriented when you hit his knee, and DOT and off crawler

29) give way to express a virtue

30) Do not hit the parking aiming teammates

31) hit the parking thin skin targeted targeting good results

32) outflank forever is to choose tactics

33) to the tank to see the image of the adult, the face, scalp, knees, lower body, legs, shoulders, what position is easy to remember

34) hit senki times of emergency first rounds of HE, priority upon a time, followed by the residual blood

35) out of the box in front must own its rolling out

Fighting skills of each model


1) not MT output most of the time the first work, guns, telescopic than MT strengths, artillery, TD and HT observed a solitary hole will always be your favorite.

2) Do not think that lighting a disadvantage in the output of the others in your vision you half income the standing eye position, and then choose silence, fired easily exposed.

3) artillery room, MT, battlefield protagonist, eye-catching bits and squeezed out of each other's eye is equally important, eye-catching to ensure one's own output, squeezing out each other's eyes, you can save one's own vital forces.

4) Do not order the output greedy twelve guns in the wilderness naked Parking of illegal guns behind you will help you make money

5) the closer the distance to the other side of the car, the more likely around

6) The wolf only flocks was fierce, but fierce But lions

7) life is very difficult, the situation is not good, turned and ran, death can, but must die valuable


1) HT have a brave heart, because you are the original protagonist of World of Tanks

2) Always facing the enemy

3) do not tell the large-caliber TD guns

4) Do not keep thinking to fight illegal guns, it was just a sideline

5) is wound, not standing around, the first time to select against the wall, to distance, limiting the other motorized

6) things to do whatever

7) face each other a lot of MT lineup, groups of three motorized better

8) when necessary to help them quickly and efficiently interludes such as pit card down when an injury eaten for MT

9) Do not be too get together to injury artillery group, two to adverse firepower expand

10) the two men at the same time being surrounded, not to tamper with, this time selling teammate equal to sell their own

11) destined to eat artillery, as far as possible with face eat so hurt

12) HT survival or not a great impact on their morale.


1) turret is justice, not the turret you is evil, avoid acting alone

2) large caliber TD difficult to ensure accuracy of more than 400 meters

3) priority to combat wear high probability target

4) The first time point the lights out

5) with the eye to maintain a reasonable distance, a distance of 150-300 meters, depending on the terrain concealment case

6) HT reversing retractable spray his face with HE

7) is affixed to consider when teammates support you

8) with a wall in the street fighting to maintain a vehicle width, ease of maneuvering, Do not paste space to do a follow-up action

9) E4 is disguised as TD HT 100 sudden injury visual only 950

10) Remember that he is evil, is a favorite of artillery

11) large diameter TD try to choose between the head and the damage.

Diablo 3 gold

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