Tuesday, December 4, 2012

8.2 59 changes: the pitch angle decreases, the penetration depth of damage increases

* Turning speed from 45 up to 46

* Move expanding circle reduced by 5%

* Reduce crawler ground friction by 20%

* The level the engine NORINCO12150L change from 9 to 8 (the unknown)

* 59 100 guns aimed at the time reduced to 2.6 seconds from 2.86 seconds.

* 59 a depression angle changes from -20 degrees to -18 degrees

* 59 of the elevation angle is changed from 7 degrees to 5 degrees

* 59 100 guns loading time was changed from 8.0 to 8.7 seconds.

* Silver bomb damage changed from 230 to 250

* Silver shells wear deep changed from 175 to 181 mm

* Gold bomb damage changed from 230 to 250

* The gold shells wear deep change from 235 to 241 mm

* The turret rotational speed from 45/s was changed to 48/sec.

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