Monday, December 3, 2012

PVE experience: How to switch stance to improve the Fury Get

MOP warrior fury capture mechanism changed, may each play soldiers who know the the PVE process, we need to rely on hand-to-hand fighting stance in general accumulate fury to open the Berserker Stance get anger when hurt.

Estimated that many soldiers and I like doubt, when I am by what degree of damage, open the Berserker Stance anger get the the income exceeds fighting attitude.

First Battle Stance anger get speed of 3.5X weapons, the current version of a unified, weapon speed, hands 3.6 single hand 2.6, you have to say that you take the dagger to fight as one. Well, I lost at the starting line. .

This formula can actually understand the 3.5 per second, with any one weapon in the battle stance obtained from the melee anger. Of course, we have to consider the rapidly It is assumed that soldiers itself is equipped with a 5% haste the team BUFF 10%.

Well, probably 3.5X1.15 = 4.025 anger get melee weapons and soldiers fighting posture

Titans bent on soldiers Flurry cover about 40%, about 15% of the deputies MISS the fighting posture fury get

3.5 X (1.4X0.4 +1.15 X0.6) X (1 +0.5 X0.85) = 6.234

Titan fury, a flurry of coverage about 28%, about 15% of the deputies MISS the Battle Stance fury get

3.5 X (1.4X0.28 +1.15 X0.72) X (1 +0.5 X0.85) = 6.094

The Berserker Stance talent melee anger get halved

Berserker Stance anger get hurt, I tested with monks and soldiers and monks data is too large to calculate very accurate, and has no intention Engineering SP summon dragons 400 + melee, marked a period of time can actually add fury .

So I spent the most stupid way, monks equipment relieved 400 soldiers to fight what hit soldiers 50 anger, repeated 10 times, each time the amount of damage around 210K.

So can draw two conclusions: First, the fury of the Berserker Stance acquisition was to save nature. In other words, I was little hurt every time so accumulate down will rise to anger, so anger get the injury frequency no direct relationship with the period of time by the total damage is proportional.

The second conclusion, the conversion ratio of the hurt and anger 4250:1 (this figure can not guarantee absolute accuracy), calculate our conclusions

Arms warrior: 4.025 / 2 X4250 = 8553.125 per second by so many injuries, Berserker Stance and Battle Stance anger income equivalents.

Bent fury: 6.234 / 2 X4250 = 13247.25, been so much damage per second, Berserker Stance and Battle Stance anger income equivalents.

Titan Berserker: 6.094 / 2 X4250 = 12949.75 per second by so many injuries, Berserker Stance and Battle Stance anger income equivalents.

Also need to pay attention

First, because the attitude switch 3SCD, if a weapon fighters opened for an upcoming 25K damage Berserker Stance, he multi-step waste operation to get a little less anger.

Second, all of the above results are under discussion in melee file, if you post moves withstand enough damage, then there is no reason not to Berserker Stance.

DPS be called DPS alive, no team, no division of labor. Necessary when you want may not be how to use Berserker Stance get enough of the anger, but rather how to protect themselves in defensive posture pressure lowering treatment are alive.

Finally, a personal view to all players still tangled talent selection problem. (This version other equipment 3 Series universal) bent on the same level weapons> Titan> weapons, but the gap is not so outrageous simulator operators.

Weapons differences in theory, weapon determines your talent. However, the best fit. High randomness weapons operate like a spot of samurai fighting violent dragon-core stored fury and anger hit like a premeditated politicians.

What is right for you, only you know

The soldiers in this version of the output can be summarized as follows: the least full career GCD address the randomness of the whole career, do not tangle you how many percent of the others hit the analysis you play the sort of strength.

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