Thursday, December 20, 2012

High-end Mage equipment walkthrough

First of all, you must understand what is equipping and equipping the significance is that, in my opinion, the higher cost The cost performance, A Diablo 3 gold to obtain 2A attributes.

Equipped with the first step: the overall framework and budgetary arrangements

Black or Frost Mage? With one hand or both hands? This is the overall framework.

How much money to fritter? Each site is how much? This is the budget arrangements.

These are all appearances, there is one important factor: leave much room for improvement, depending on your financial resources and goals.

Equipped with the second step: the determined defensive accessories as well as ensure the movement speed.

The conventional defense parts: the Zunimassa's the set, evil spirits, fearless rings, skates, Angel Armor. (These are the attack and defense of both)

The relative use less or higher prices: digging pants, yellow wrist / pants / head, Twilight, Tal Rasha's clothes with resistance. Very popular: black thorns four.

When you start to pay attention to the difference between 71 resistance and 80 resistance, the difference between 390 Armor and 450 Armor, you have taken the first step in the fitted master.

Mobile speed conventional accessories: Lacuni Stalker, Tyrrell of force, Inna moderation, all kinds of shoes.

Unconventional: Pilgrim's suit.

Need to use the above mentioned: room for improvement.

If you would like to give you the equipment to leave plenty of room for improvement! So do not think of these parts of the to heap physical, heap Armor expensive!

Simple explanation follows:

Suppose you want with no buff 250K dps and hope to have the potential of breakthrough 400K budget of two billion.

Equipment so choose:

Breastplate: 180 + Int, 220 physical, Zunimassa's, bone marrow;

Shoes: 180 + Int, 150 physical Zunimassa's trail;

Ring: Zunimassa's disaster epidemic and fearless brave Prayer;

Pants: 180 + Int, 180 + physical, 70 Resistance 2-dong, yellow pants;

Shoulder: 250 + Int, 50 physical, evil spirits Spaulders;

Head: Twilight surface cover;

The wrist: Lacuni Stalker;

Secondary: average damage 240, 150 Stamina: Triple Po ball, high intelligence better.

Remove unlabeled attribute several DPS accessories, and other accessories will not spend more than 200 million.

Is not considered part of the accessories of attack attributes. These parts are only slightly more expensive Zunimassa's clothes. These defense sites can provide nearly 500 resistance, of 750 physical as well as hole 30% life.

Master no physical basis of life 276 points, 60 physical 127, it can be drawn: even if other parts of the completely defensive attributes.

You should at least have: life value of about 40,000;

Armor 3500 (equipped with basic armor relief damage of about 52.6%);

Resistance 750 (2500 Intelligence + equipment 500, reduction of damage 70.4%);

86% of the total relief damage EHP 285000; and comes with the 7% elite relief damage.

The transfiguration Armor 4900 (damage waiver 60.9%) resistance 1050 (remission damage to 76.9%); 91.2% of the total relief damage, EHP about 450K.

This status under 4% vampire should be sufficient to cope with the damage relief following 5 difficulty. Incidentally: 100 life value of about 50,000, the amount of blood is enough to meet most occasions.

Why so equipped big room for improvement? Assuming that you find in the arms and gloves defensive attributes, you want to pursue dps to replace these parts, necessarily mean the loss of a large number of EHP!

This has resulted in improved bottleneck! It is used to say: change the body must be replaced. Conversely, if the defense site to provide sufficient physical strength and resistance, all attacks parts you can rest assured that purchase, completely bottleneck!

In other words: the physical parts of these defenses is the main attribute, just additional properties of the parts of the physical resistance of the weapons and jewelry gloves! Of course, if their property has been very good attack, but also provides defense, nature is very good.

Simply put: 200 intelligence, tapping gloves with 50 physical and the physical is valuable, because the gloves can be used as the ultimate.

200 physical gloves, ordinary attack with 50 intelligence gloves, looks the same 250 main attributes, in fact, is always a transition product is not worth the investment.

So, the attack site attacks is necessary foot! The attack is insufficient without regard to its defense value-added, which will limit your footsteps!

Equipped with the third step: the weapon of choice

Critical to the choice of weapons, which often is your biggest investment, and also determines the ease of transition! The Master currently mainstream the build: Frost Mage and Archon.

Assuming that your wallet is not enough, they want to play two kinds of build, I recommend starting from the hands Archon. This is because Frost Mage Archon offensive accessories greater commonality: attack speed/critical hit in the case of low-end.

If you have enough money, the attacks accessories all three attack naturally does not matter.

Continue above the main deputy buff 300K Negro example:

Recommended for high-and white double storm vampire weapons, this is because the Master can not dual wield serious lack of critical damage. AH blacksmith build, 500,000,000 Diablo 3 gold can buy about 1,200 white text, 50 critical damage, Keywords critical damage 66 can be screened out of the blacksmith weapons.

Equal and white attack speed as high as possible. At this point, the budget of 1.3 billion left.

Equipped with Part IV: Attack component selection points

Point 1: Attack component selection, defensive attributes only as an additional attribute.

Point 2: If you are using a one-handed weapon is not the lack of critical damage.

Opposite hands and arms! Full blast attack speed equipment allows you to easily switch between Frost Mage Archon.

Point 3: patience, the same price, often patient decide you harvest, AH you how good! This is more applicable to the attack site and weapons, because more of these parts of the variables.

Point 4: auction can save you more than 20% D3 gold

Continuing the above with the equipment:

6 critical hit Zunimassa's disaster epidemic (or other high damage): 1 - 2 billion;

45 + critical damage fearless brave Prayer: 100,000,000;

Or high average damage: million level;

Gloves 150 + Int 45 + critical damage 9.5 + critical the hit with attack speed: 50 million -2 one hundred million;

Tal Rasha's oath Cheng, amulets, high intelligence 8.5 + critical hit damage: 50 million-2 billion;

Output or yellow necklace, the high intellect double criti or 3 attack, 75 critical damage, almost all do not have to read.

Belt, 150 + intellectual, 9-speed, 49 + blast injuries: 50 million - 200 million

Lacuni Stalker: Intelligence + attack speed * 15 + critical the hit * 50: 5 one hundred million best;

Twilight surface cover the: Intelligence + attack speed * 15 + critical the hit * 50: 5 one hundred million to choose the best;


Assumptions Twilight: 190 Intellect, 8 speed, critical hit; Lacunl: 150 Intellect, 8-speed, 5 critical hit.

The total panel should be like this: 2700 + Int 52 + critical hit 450% critical damage, 40% + speed, the basis damage1550 + elemental damage 30% +.

Get dps about buff 260K, blood 40000 Armor 3500 resistance 750.

This is the other equipment non-value-added results. Fact is certainly higher than a lot of this property!

Defenseless dependent attackers accessories, so equipment upgrade much easier!

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