Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Diablo 3 seeky achievements experience

1. Photosynthesis

The achievements require 666 times, the only reliable place in the cathedral 1st floor, chandeliers relatively dense map is relatively simple and small, and most of the chandeliers are just a bunch of monsters. Remember not to open a multi-MP to only choose normal difficulty, do not wear reflective damage equipment. Not to vote for the tenth progress, so you can not be stored at the inlet. The most important is that the chandelier is a fixed damage of value, such as his fixed damage value is 100, each small monster blood is 25, he can be stoned to just four, dragged on for 10 in the past, the result is 10 a drop dead, each monster loss of blood 10. You do not what to think empty-handed each monster hit trace of the blood pull a bunch of go, far more efficient to pull reset the chandeliers speed to be much slower than your speed. It is simply to see the monster, you can pull the chandelier, and stoned a few a few over six monster below under the chandelier, but had to be towed away a few in order to guarantee that the chandelier down can be stoned.

2. Savior

Achievement requires 250 times, the need to assist teammates, one of HP for 10% of the upper limit, only a number and high level of Paragon little trouble, like DH Paragon 92 nude blood alone, 11K, dedicated to the AH bought hundreds million of HP equipment, heap 140K HP. Go the ordinary A1 rot collapse of the forest, his teammates cleared and find that big stuff spit small bat, the best two together. Your whole body naked before all wearing, showing red screen, his equipment can not be reflected damage and pick up properties. As long as your side once were able to survive, teammates over there will be a "savior", until his teammates completed the swap roles until completed. Important: To grasp the rhythm, and the bat just stroked A, B, soon to be shot, good rhythm, a dozen, a quasi complete the speed is very fast. There is also an important point is beaten that do not out of line of sight to do anything else to go, because once the bats died out red ball on your side, you still may eat, you still need to take place in a timely manner to avoid the red ball. Some would say that I re off to wear it again, when I recently discovered that there is such a BUG, ??is currently you can only take off once wear time to correct the rate of 10% or less, and then take off again once eaten red ball wear health will improve with the items you are equipped with equal must exit the room and then into the can.

3. hero's new clothes/naked desire

Diablo is the most simple, hit stiff naked go fight you can count completed. Four other BOSS, indeed must personally killed one of their own to complete the extremely difficult, because in Hell difficulty, you simply impossible to deploy to a very good DPS and EHP ratio to a little bit of grinding death BOSS. If the band of followers, followers killed is not. Of course, need a good teammate. Into the BOSS the room, you take a quick death, then good teammates save you taking the time to look, you do not get up first. BOSS nearly 1/5 of blood or 1/4 blood teammates began frantically playing BOSS, also points P3, P1 first release to hit, hit, P2 for the worst weapons to continue to fight, I do with La Kani Hugh Blade hit BOSS 10K blood, P3 for empty-handed to continue to fight, skills certainly is the choice of the kind of kind of do not get the weapons it right out. Until you hit the BOSS 300 blood or less, you can get up, his teammates stop you slightly lingering a few with the BOSS, OK. Another point is that, as far as possible so that BOSS blood to below 300, you only up, nothing to wear DPS really is pitiful. I hope your Paragon high level, so your DPS also slightly higher. I DH off, put also effective Jianta. Main staff not to be afraid of a critical hit, the key is to late to be patient about what to play, beat the look, the main staff not to take off too much equipment in order to get rid of a critical hit, or the defense may not be enough.

4. unique collection

Blue Gold Bug:

STD gold: sandstone Colossus

STD blue: Plague Swarm oppressor

HC Kim: brutal rock worms, rock drilling worm

HC Blue: oppressor, plague Swarm, brutal rock worm Fallen fierce dogs the (brutal rock worms and Fallen fierce dogs there will be some people in the previous version of immediate concern and tick)  D3 gold

5. Blacksmith death metal processing

The 100 design is enough? Enough! Do not forget, there are various occupational helmets and deputies! Do not forget there are cheaper legend! Do not forget to suit bought to do a few people! Do not forget there HC! HC buy any design +1!   Diablo 3 gold

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